Tuesday, January 30, 2007


This was my puppy Bo. I adopted him from Petsmart in Spanish Fort.
Bo was two months old when I adopted him.
he loved to chew on everything and was very energetic. About a week ago he got out of my fence and was hit by a car. The weird thing was that he was only feet away from a stop sign which makes me think someone did it on purpose. I hope that wasn't the case. I only had him for two months but was so attached.
For more Information on adopting a pet in your area visit:


BrandyYeager said...

That is a very cute dog!

Alicia Silvers said...

What a cute puppy! I`m so sorry to hear that you lost him. I have a retriever (Brownie) that was run over twice. She can never have puppies because of her injuries, she had a hard time getting back to normal but she was well worth it all. Overall, she has been a blessing to me and my family.

Michelle said...

Cute puppy. I got a lab 8 months ago and she chews everything. Good luck with your puppy.